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Spring Lecture

Sarah Berry

Reader in Nutritional Sciences

King’s College London and Chief Scientific Officer at ZOE Ltd

Personalised Nutrition: Now & The Future

Wednesday 24th April 2024

Wade Conference Centre

Hartshill Road, Hartshill, Stoke on Trent, ST4 7NY

Tickets £5 - FREE to members & one guest

Ticket enquiries:

Telephone: 01782 714 888

or at the NSMI Wade Conference Centre Reception


Sarah Berry is a Reader in Nutritional Sciences at King’s College London and Chief Scientific Officer at ZOE Ltd. Her research interests relate to the influence of dietary components on cardiometabolic disease risk, with particular focus on; personalised nutrition, postprandial lipid metabolism and food and fat structure. Since commencing her research career at King’s, she has been the academic leader for more than 30 human nutrition studies in cardio-metabolic health.

At ZOE Ltd, and part of the original founding team, she leads the PREDICT programme of research, assessing the genetic, metabolic, metagenomic, and meal-dependent effects on metabolic responses to food. This research is at the forefront of developments in personalised nutrition and is forging a new way forward in the design and implementation of large-scale remote nutrition research studies integrating novel technologies, citizen science and AI. Sarah’s ZOE PREDICT research and its application has significantly contributed to healthcare and research innovation. She was instrumental in the design, implementation and continued progression of three prominent App based research platforms with large and far-reaching study populations; the ZOE Covid Symptom Study App (CSS) (during the pandemic), the ZOE Health Study App (formerly CSS App) and the ZOE Nutrition App. These App’s combine cutting-edge research, remote digital and clinical technologies, AI and ‘user experience’ expertise, enabling the collection and analysis of data beyond what has traditionally been possible within an academic setting.

As the Chief Scientist behind the ZOE Nutrition app, Sarah directly translates findings from the PREDICT research into individually personalised advice for those (n=150,000 and recruiting at 2,500 per week) who want to improve their long-term health, based on ‘at home’ testing and up-to-date scientific information. Sarah is also co-host of the free weekly ‘ZOE Science & Nutrition’ Podcast, which is the No. 1 podcast in Nutrition & Health & Fitness (and 1 in all UK Podcasts; May 2023), with over 10 million downloads, where she translates the latest evidence-based research across a variety of topics into useful advice for the general population.

“I am delighted that Sarah Berry has accepted the invitation to deliver the Spring lecture at the Wade Conference Centre for the Medical Institute on Wednesday 24th April. The explosion in understanding of nutrition, including how and when to eat for instance, over the last few years has been eye-opening. I am increasingly fascinated by all aspects and the impact it has on our lives. Sarah Berry imparts this knowledge with great enthusiasm and liveliness. Many of you will know this from listening to the ZOE podcasts which commenced in early 2022. I am eagerly anticipating her lecture and hope that you will join us.”

Murray Brunt, Chair

Sarah Berry is a Reader in Nutritional Sciences at King’s College London and Chief Scientific Officer at ZOE Ltd. Her research interests relate to the influence of dietary components on cardiometabolic disease risk, with particular focus on; personalised nutrition, postprandial lipid metabolism and food and fat structure. Since commencing her research career at King’s, she has been the academic leader for more than 30 human nutrition studies in cardio-metabolic health.

At ZOE Ltd, and part of the original founding team, she leads the PREDICT programme of research, assessing the genetic, metabolic, metagenomic, and meal-dependent effects on metabolic responses to food. This research is at the forefront of developments in personalised nutrition and is forging a new way forward in the design and implementation of large-scale remote nutrition research studies integrating novel technologies, citizen science and AI. Sarah’s ZOE PREDICT research and its application has significantly contributed to healthcare and research innovation. She was instrumental in the design, implementation and continued progression of three prominent App based research platforms with large and far-reaching study populations; the ZOE Covid Symptom Study App (CSS) (during the pandemic), the ZOE Health Study App (formerly CSS App) and the ZOE Nutrition App. These App’s combine cutting-edge research, remote digital and clinical technologies, AI and ‘user experience’ expertise, enabling the collection and analysis of data beyond what has traditionally been possible within an academic setting.

As the Chief Scientist behind the ZOE Nutrition app, Sarah directly translates findings from the PREDICT research into individually personalised advice for those (n=150,000 and recruiting at 2,500 per week) who want to improve their long-term health, based on ‘at home’ testing and up-to-date scientific information. Sarah is also co-host of the free weekly ‘ZOE Science & Nutrition’ Podcast, which is the No. 1 podcast in Nutrition & Health & Fitness (and 1 in all UK Podcasts; May 2023), with over 10 million downloads, where she translates the latest evidence-based research across a variety of topics into useful advice for the general population.