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Research Awards Committee

Apply now to become a new member to the NSMI Research Awards Committee (RAC)

The NSMI is looking to appoint two new members to the NSMI Research Awards Committee (RAC). The positions are open to all members, with further details regarding RAC activity and expectations attached. In brief, new members are expected to attend two RAC Committee meetings a year, hosted at the NSMI Wade Conference Centre, and to peer review and contribute to deliberations of NSMI research awards. To express your interest in a position or for more information, please send a brief statement regarding your suitability for your appointment and a CV to Mrs Jeanette Forrester (Chief Operating Officer) or for further information please contact Dr Abigail V Roberts (RAC Chair) by 13th April 2024.

Dr Abigail V Roberts

Apply now

    North Staffordshire Medical Institute Research Awards Sub-Committee
    Sub-Group of the North Staffordshire Medical Institute (NSMI) Council’s Finance & General Purposes Committee (NSMI) Council

    Terms of Reference


    The purpose of the NSMI Research Awards Sub-Committee (RAC) is to primarily facilitate the awarding process of the NSMI research grants. It is responsible for the peer review of the research applications received by the NSMI. It makes recommendation to NSMI F & GP Committee based on deliberations following the Sub-Committee’s peer review process. The Trustees are responsible for the allocation of funds for research.

    RAC Terms of reference:

    1. To oversee, coordinate and complete the NSMI Research Awarding process, including peer review of research applications, attending RAC award deliberations, deciding successful applications for recommendation to NSMI F&GP Committee.
    2. To encourage high quality research applications for grant funding from all sections of the Healthcare Service where work impacts upon patient care, directly or indirectly.
    3. To ensure confidentiality throughout the awarding process and peer review of applications.
    4. To ensure awarded projects are aligned with the remit, principles ethics and Charitable Objectives of the NSMI.
    5. To have regard for the promotion of the NSMI, it’s mission and future prospects.
    6. Within RAC Committee activity, RAC members are to act as individuals, making subjective, independent decisions on research awards in the best interest of the NSMI, objective to other affiliations or employments.
    7. To be quorate, there must be 50% of members of the Committee to be within agreement. The Chair is a member of the RAC that does have a vote within the scoring of grant applications.
    8. Members of the Research Awards Committee will declare Conflicts of Interest at the beginning of the review process of applications. A register of interests will be kept.
    9. To monitor the status of previous awards and report mentionable actions to NSMI Council.

    Terms of Members:

    The Research Awards Committee (RAC) will reflect the wide research interests of all aspects of healthcare within North Staffordshire. The RAC makeup will be reviewed annually by the RAC Chair, NSMI Chair/deputy Chair and the NSMI Chief Operating Officer to ensure best expertise across the Committee. The RAC should include a Deputy Chair, Lay member, and NSMI Trustee; all other members will hold membership at the NSMI. There should be a fair representation of age, sex and ethnicity within membership of the RAC. If necessary, the Chair of the RAC will be responsible for recruiting/consulting with external expertise, such as patients and regulators.

    Terms of Chair:

    The Chair of the RAC ideally will have served on the RAC for at least two years. The Chair is appointed for a term of three years which is renewable for a second term. The Chair of the RAC is appointed by the Trustees of NSMI. Nominations (including self-nomination) to the RAC can be made by any Member of the Institute and ratified by Council. Where applicable, such as when external funding sources are included, temporary co-opted members will be appointed.

    Further note on Conflicts of Interest:

    RAC members decisions and review should be made in the best interest of the NSMI and are objective to outside affiliations and employments.
    RAC members should not review, score or vote on applications on which they are an applicant, co-applicant or collaborator on. This must be identified, declared at the beginning of the awards meeting and managed, if possible, by removal from the room during the discussion.
    RAC members should not review grants that have been submitted from applicants with whom they have a personal relationship with.
    RAC members may apply for grants, however no more than 50% of the RAC be in active receipt of charitable funds from the NSMI. Trustees may also apply for grants; this must be completed in accordance with NSMI’s Articles of Association

    EDI Statement:

    NSMI recognises the importance of equality, diversity and inclusion. At the NSMI RAC, we wish to engage with and maximise the inputs from a diverse range of stakeholders who also best represents the community that NSMI supports. Having a wide range of perspectives, opinions and research strengthens our ideas, expertise and research outputs. Our work will provide equality of opportunity to participate and receive benefits from our Institute, which is ensured through our mission to bring together diverse teams, memberships and research groups.

    Frequency of meetings:

    The RAC will meet at least once per year. Meetings will take place within 5 weeks of the project submission deadline, at the Wade Conference Centre, North Staffordshire (to be determined by the Chair).


    • The Chair is to provide a research progress report to the NSMI Council at the Annual General Meeting.
    • To provide a Research Awards Recommendation report to NSMI Council. This will detail a brief summary of deliberations, how many applications have been received, which applications the RAC recommends awarding grants. It will also include any declared Conflicts of Interest of RAC members of grant applications and how they are acted on if needed.